About A license to operate a cinema (for specialist needs)

A license to operate a cinema to display one or more films on a permanent or temporary basis, a theater for specialized needs. A license to operate a movie theater in non-profit shows that display media content classified by the authority for educational, pedagogical, scientific, cultural, or historical purposes, or for any other special purpose approved by the authority

The name of the activity in the Ministry of Commerce

A license to operate a cinema (for specialist needs)

: Target group

Saudi-Non-Saudi-Media Licensed Entities

٣ days execution time
0User users number
7000 Riyal Service fee

Rating :

Information about the service

  • With the exception of the temporary cinema
  • the license applicant must be licensed by the authority to engage in the activity of operating fixed cinemas
  • and fixed cinema operators can apply for a license for temporary shows. The specialist
  • that the license applicant submits proof of ownership of the property
  • or a valid rental contract for the duration of the license.Supplying the Authority to the equivalent of (15%) of the proceeds and income derived from the value of each ticket sold in movie theaters located in category (A)
  • and supplying the equivalent of (10%) to the Authority for the above mentioned fees and charges. In cinemas falling in category (B) and supplying the equivalent of (5%) to the authority
  • from the proceeds and income derived from the value of each ticket sold in theaters located in category (C). Specialized in proving the ability to operate through a licensee to engage in the activity of operating temporary cinemas and for specialized needs
  • 591405
  • A license to practice the activity of operating cinemas
  • a copy of the cinema operating agreement between the operator and the owner of the right to use the property
  • a copy of the national identity for Saudis/passport for non-Saudis
  • the municipality’s license for the site
  • detailed information about the cinema showing the nature of the cinema
  • its capacity
  • the number and types of screens and Seats and number of restaurants
  • Log in to the e-services portal
  • choose a service (A license to operate a cinema (for specialist needs))
  • complete the required data.
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